Project Engineer at Shell Malaysia
Master of Engineering (Chemical) at Imperial College London
7.30 AM
I usually wake up around 7.30 am while working from home. Morning coffees are a necessity for me to fully function throughout the day – as evident from the photo, my latte art skills are still very much a work in progress.
Before my brain fully functions, I refrain from checking emails and safeguard this timeslot for news-reading and YouTube videos.
8.30 AM
I start clearing my inbox for the morning, check my calendar, and write down my to-do list for the day.
Today, I will be hosting an interface meeting session for my project with the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractor, as well as the project’s design consultant – hence will need to set aside some time to do some prep work!
9.00 AM
I kick start my day’s meetings with a virtual huddle with my Project Management Team, Aida and Seng Leong. We discussed the project priorities of the week, the critical path activities to be focused on, as well as mitigation measures for any key risks and bottlenecks.
10.00 AM
I clear off the rest of my morning for a deep focus session on the urgent tasks at hand.
First up, I did some Process Engineering simulation runs to determine the project compression system’s transient response towards setpoint changes and verify the robustness of equipment sizing, as Project Engineering technical broadened beyond my Project skill pool.
Next up, I kick-started the slide deck preparation of my presentation at the Offshore Technology Conference, to showcase our deployment of machine learning technology in the offshore Sabah deepwater platforms.
12.00 PM
Lunchtime! Luxuries of a work from home arrangement – having home-cooked food. 😊
1.00 PM
After lunch, I connected with the project’s discipline engineers to set the scene for later’s interface meeting, and to ensure the Shell team will be able to set realistic deliverable expectations towards our contractor and consultant.
2.00 PM
For the afternoon session, I chaired an interface workshop between the Shell internal team, the project’s EPC contractor, and the design consultant. In the meeting, we brainstormed on the engineering design and interface workflow and agreed upon milestones for key interface deliverables, in order to meet the project’s procurement and construction timeline.
4.30 PM
The meeting concluded successfully! After sending out the finalized discussion points, briefing slide deck, and agreed on milestones, I had a connect with Faizul, a fellow Structural Engineering graduate in Shell Malaysia, to declutter for the day and share our experiences/learnings in the Graduate Program.
We also discussed our future plans towards Nexus, our Shell Graduate Network, to explore the events we would want to organize together with the other graduates especially as we return towards a hybrid working arrangement.
5.30 PM
Break time! Before my dinner appointment, took the opportunity to (reluctantly) go for a run around my neighborhood to keep fit and improve my stamina.
7.30 PM
As it is still Lunar New Year, I went out for a celebration meal with my neighbors to cap off a busy week after the New Year break!
10.00 PM
After my dinner, came back to wind down for the day, by doing some reading for the evening. Today, my book of choice is ‘Atomic Habits’ – hopefully I will be able to identify cues and rewards to maintain my running habits in the future!
11.00 PM
Before going to bed, I usually watch YouTube videos or go on Twitch to tune in to my favorite streamers, to completely shut off any open items and worries from work for the weekend.